Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Success: Reunion Summary

The Crawford Reunion, held Saturday, June 11th, was a huge success.  With not even two months notification time (to round up names and addresses of relatives we had lost contact with and send information to those we could), we had over 68 people at our event.

The 2011 Reunion Planning Group - top:  Judy, Reba (me) and MaryKay, next: Donna, then: Roger, then: Tammy.  A great big THANK YOU to all of you for all your hard work and wonderful participation on Saturday.

People came from St Maries (Idaho), Jerome (Idaho), Portland (Oregon), Stites (Idaho) and locally from Caldwell, Nampa, Boise, Garden Valley, and Emmett.  There was a lot of visiting, good food to eat, and family albums to pour over.  I believe fun was had by all.

Some of the albums displaying family photos. 

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