Friday, December 10, 2010

I've Had An Accident - So My Blogs Will Be Even More Sporadic

On the day after Thanksgiving, I fell on the stairs in my house going to the basement.  I broke three bones in my ankle and after surgery to put in screws and plates, have been laid up since.  Now, 13 days later, I'm trying to get back to my research and preparing to return to work.  Who knew it was so hard to learn to use crutches. 

I made it to 62 without breaking a bone, why couldn't I just keep up the trend.

I suppose it is time to take a breather here and relate who I am and where I fit into all these stories and the research.  So here goes - - -

I am the middle child in the Cecil E Logue and Rachel H Crawford Logue family of 10 (5 surviving) - Marian Doris Logue (Jan 34- June 34), Thomas Elisha Logue (May 35 - July 04), Christina Winne Logue Williamson (Mar 37 - Oct 10), living male Logue, Adrian Dexter Logue (Mar 46 - June 99), me, living male Logue, George Alexander Logue (Dec 52 - Dec 52), two living male Logues. 

My family in the early 60's in Garden Valley, Idaho. 
Because my mother was the youngest of 13 children, those grandparents had passed away before many of us had any memories of them.  My father was the second child in his family, so his mother was still living through most of my high school years and we made the trek to Cascade, ID on holidays most years.  Both sets of grandparents were early pioneers to Idaho - the Logues arriving in 1904, the Dexters arriving in 1889, and the Crawfords arriving in the mid 1890s.

My father was a sawyer, cutting down trees to help supply the sawmills that produced lumber to build all those post-WWII subdivisions.  This was very hard and dangerous work with long hours and the need to camp away from the family during weekdays.  My older brothers, at some point in their life, worked either in the woods or in the sawmills.

All of us kids went to Garden Valley Schools.  You can see our pictures on the walls of their new High School and these schools have a reunion of all school attendees every five years (in Aug 10 we had our quinquennial reunion).

We've all grown up and moved away, with none living in Garden Valley now.  Those of us that are left now get together with our families every five years, during GV Reunion time.  These are great times of memories and catching up.  They're preferable to those times we must get together because of a passing member.  Those times come much too often.

One such time - funeral of Adrian Logue in 1999

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